Friday, June 11, 2010

glitter toes!tans!

hey people!!!on Thursday night we had a party called glitter toes, and tans!i got my toes done and so did my friends.some other people got tans.the toes isn't even nail polish.its gel that you put on your toes and then put in some sparkles and.......BOOM!the tan is where you get in a tent and Sarah Hancock sprays you with a tanning gun!its so cool.if you want them done call my mom.thanks.


  1. Baili, you are so cute and I can't believe you have your own blog. You are getting so grown up. Okay, Charlie bit me is so hilarious, I had never seen that before. Sounds like the party was fun, I wanna get me nails and tan on ;) Keep posting on here, Love you lots and miss you tons. Hope to see you soon. xoxo

  2. It was a fun night. I'm glad I got to go. I didn't see what color you did. I did a pink/purple color. I LOVE them. I hope you have another party like that soon. Love ya girly.
